Ditch CVs.
Hire with ease.

Replace CVs with AI-powered skills-based assessment tests that helps you find the right person for the job.

Customer logo: Just EatCustomer logo: Ørsted (dark)Customer logo: Rockwool

There is a lot of advantages to using assessments in the pre-selection - it saves both me as the recruiting partner and hiring managers a lot of time. The video tool is a difference-maker as seeing candidates answer relevant challenges on video helps us identify motivated candidates and get a feeling for how they communicate. Casefair has made a huge difference in improving our recruitment process.

Nigheena Corap
Talent Acquisition Specialist

Our elevated use of validated assessments gives an in-depth understanding of candidates and has increased our ability to find the very best match for our positions. It is a pleasure to work with Casefair, and they are agile and flexible in our collaboration, so we secure that we meet our specific company needs.

Mia Gren-Sørensen
Head of People & Development

The assessment proved its value. One candidate was able to prove his role-fit and competencies despite not having the typical background. Two other candidates failed to impress, which was evident very early on, as they clearly did not show adequate subject matter competence to succeed in the role. It was a really positive experience, and I will never recruit without an assessment again.

Head of Technology

Laura is a recruiter at a growing company.
She is always ...


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Tired of countless CVs & biased evaluations? See top candidates instantly with skills-based screening automation.


Spend your time where it matters. Get the 360-degree view of top candidates & see how they solve real-life problems.